Saycon Sengbloh Headshots

I got new headhshots and I’m on my way! What do ya think? I haven’t had new headshots in some time. My friend Christine gets new ones done pretty often, I’m finally getting my act together. I’ve got lots of photos to share with you guys this year as I promote new music and other … Read moreSaycon Sengbloh Headshots

The Working Actor: Tech Rehearsal Survival Kit

Motown is counting down until we start previews so that means its technical rehearsal time also known as the infamous: Tech Week! Lord have mercy! Technical rehearsals can be amazing and challenging time. This is the time when the cast leaves the rehearsal space and goes into the theatre onto the new home space: the stage! My main goal … Read moreThe Working Actor: Tech Rehearsal Survival Kit

Saycon Speaks on Commercial Auditions

I recently posted a video blog about commercial auditions. I received great emails about the video realizing that this is the stuff they don’t tell you in acting class or in school, or maybe they told you in school and you’re so nervous about your coming audition you’ve forgotten,  I hope to remind you of  some practical tips … Read moreSaycon Speaks on Commercial Auditions