The Working Actor: Tech Rehearsal Survival Kit

Motown is counting down until we start previews so that means its technical rehearsal time also known as the infamous: Tech Week! Lord have mercy! Technical rehearsals can be amazing and challenging time. This is the time when the cast leaves the rehearsal space and goes into the theatre onto the new home space: the stage! My main goal during this time is to remain comfortable, ready for action, and able to adjust to change. The fun part is bringing a wonderful show to light but the  hardest part about tech week can be managing your time and personal life outside of the theatre during the tech process.

Andrea Dora and Saycon Sengbloh using backstage tech time to work online.
Andrea Dora and Saycon Sengbloh using backstage tech time to work online.

Top thing to consider:

  • The hours are much longer than they would normally be during the 8 show week. You could be in the theatre from Noon to midnight.
  • Time management: Remembering and scheduling personal appointments during your spare hours. Because during technical rehearsals the majority of your time is spent onstage.
  • Keeping tags on friends and family and maintaining relationships  while adjusting to the new schedule
  • Really preparing yourself for your new show, figuring out your backstage traffic i.e. water break moments, warm-up areas, costume changes, wig changes, make-up, and accessories
  • Great time to bond with your cast mates and make the show gel

Actors let me tell a few things I do to make tech week a success. Whether it lasts for  2 days in a short regional production or 2 months of tech and previews for a Broadway show it can be the ultimate challenge of an artist . Shows look easy to the audience and there’s a reason for that.

Check out this quick video for Tech Survival tips:

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