We Are With You

    As we mourn the lives of the children and adults who passed in the sensely shooting in Connecticut we send uplifting prayer to their families, classmates, and the law enforcement and public officials as they attempt to collect evidence to explain this horrible crime. We are with you! We love you! We send … Read moreWe Are With You

Saycon Sengbloh: Young and Powerful for Obama Award Recipient

You guys I’m thrilled to announce I’m being awarded the Young and Powerful for Obama Award this coming Thursday October 25th! I will have a chance to celebrate in Atlanta with family and friends, a personal treat and sort of a birthday present as well. My birthday month, October, always sort of brings about some … Read moreSaycon Sengbloh: Young and Powerful for Obama Award Recipient

Saycon In-Store Event @ Hue-man Bookstore in Harlem

Hi folks, Continuing the holiday fever! and Christmas spirit! I’ll be doing my first “Warrior”in-store event at Hueman bookstore! This will include musical performance, CD, Poster/Calendar signing with purchase and a great Question & Answer! A chance to ask all the things you ever wanted to know about, music, and theater. Families are welcome! We’re … Read moreSaycon In-Store Event @ Hue-man Bookstore in Harlem

Saycon, Zonya, & Parker live with Ulysses Owens! Friday August 26th

Click this link for the new interview! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XY78FG1xPmc&feature=youtu.be SAYCON LIVE AT Soul Sensations @ the Triad NYC! Along with Parker Brown, and Zonya Love and Ulysses Owens! Bring a friend and tell a friend! I’ll be performing new music, including my new song Warrior and some favorites too!Its gonna be a sexy night! Friday, August … Read moreSaycon, Zonya, & Parker live with Ulysses Owens! Friday August 26th

SAYCON at Soul Sensations: the TRIAD August 26th!

photo by Phillis Kwentoh photo by Phillis Kwentoh SAYCON LIVE AT Soul Sensations @ the Triad NYC! Along with Parker Brown, and Zonya Love and Ulysses Owens! Bring a friend and tell a friend! I’ll be performing new music, including my new song Warrior and some favorites too!Its gonna be a sexy night! Friday, August … Read moreSAYCON at Soul Sensations: the TRIAD August 26th!