My Personal Uniform: Minimalism & Celebrity

*Apologies if photos appear sideways in your browser. We are working to fix this issue. Try to view on a different browser or device!??‍?* ?It is true that when it rains it pours I found myself attending several amazing events in one week, yes, in one week. Being the un-famous actress that I am there … Read moreMy Personal Uniform: Minimalism & Celebrity

The New SayconTalks: The Official Saycon Sengbloh Blog has moved to ! Check out our new digs! has a new look, new entertaining  content, and also features the vlog “SayconTalks TV” our newest addition to serving you the latest interviews and motivation. Enjoy comment, comment, comment! Add your name to our mailing list and subscribe to  and see Saycon Sengbloh in … Read moreThe New SayconTalks: The Official Saycon Sengbloh Blog