Thursday Night January 27th raise funds for Haiti and the Dominican Republic!

The island that holds 2 nations, Haiti and the Dominican Republic still needs our help! Searchin’ and Lost Productions, and Elasea Douglas and Members of the cast of Fela are helping! This music event is Thursday night at 8pm for a donation of $7, $10, $12, or $20! Please come out to be entertained and … Read moreThursday Night January 27th raise funds for Haiti and the Dominican Republic!

Halloween was fun. . .Canvassing for Obama is better!

Halloween was fun but voting will be even better! Hello people after 3 weeks away, I’m getting back into the mix of writing this blog, “Saycon Talks”. Oh so much has happened between now and the last time I wrote. I hope everyone had a great time on Halloween, I celebrated several times. First at … Read moreHalloween was fun. . .Canvassing for Obama is better!