Watching the Grammy Awards tonight has been a sweet pleasure. Its been quite a week and there’s nothing like music to heal the soul. Enjoying all this Grammy Music has me flashing back to this summer when I performed at a Tribute to Don Cornelius at Joe’s Pub with Maurice Murphy. There was a last minute cancellation and the show’s producer Amy Birnbaum asked Maurice and I to sing the Jackson 5 songs for the evening, we went over it once in sound check and hit the ground rolling. We had a ball singing the Jackson’s music and the music of Chaka Khan and Rufus too. Maurice Murphy is one of the most electrifying additions to the Motown Musical as Dennis Edwards of the Temptations, he is also one of the Broadway Boys. I hope the fans will be pleased. I know I was certainly pleased tonight to hear of the Temptations being honorees in the Grammy Hall of Fame. Check out these videos of Maurice and I singing together, crank your volume up and enjoy!
Maurice Murphy & Saycon Sengbloh sing “Jackson 5” in Tribute to Don Cornelius
Maurice Murphy & Saycon Sengbloh sing “Rufus featuring Chaka Khan” in Tribute to Don Cornelius