Saycon is "Accidental" Cover girl of New York Times best seller!

So after many rumors and questions and “big foot sightings” the search is over! One of my friends has found proof that I was indeed on the cover of a book! Ha ha, apparently a stock footage shot of me modeling as a business woman a while back has wound up on the cover of the 2009 edition of Connie Bricoe’s New York Time’s best seller “Big Girls Don’t Cry”, a novel. I always wanted to be on a romance cover in a big fluffy dress, well soon come the fluffy dress, but for now check me out on the cover of Big Girls Don’t Cry”! Now if only I could be like the character on the book!

1 thought on “Saycon is "Accidental" Cover girl of New York Times best seller!

  1. Congrats Saycon. I am sure you will be in the running if the novel makes it to screen. listen, I am interested in extending an invite to the cast of FELA on broadway (good job) to the Nigeria Entertainment Awards in NYC ( Please let me know how to proceed.

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